Tag Archives: ALA 2010

Presentation of interest focusing on Research and Next-Gen Catalogues

With Remembrance Day being a holiday on Thursday (here in Canada), I decided to take Friday off as well, giving myself a four day weekend, and an opportunity to work on finishing my first book (which has a deadline of December 15th!). While doing some additional searching on the internet and taking a look at the future directions next-generation catalogues might take, I ran across a presentation that I thought some of you might be interested in.

Some of you might have seen this already, especially if you attended ALA Annual this past summer and the session Cataloging and Beyond: Publishing for the Year of Cataloging Research. Amy Eklund gave a very good presentation on the shortage of research we have examining next generation catalogues, and areas that need to be explored.

Key points?

We should examine next generation catalogues because:
1. So far, a build it and they will come approach has been taken with these catalogues;
2. Discovery tool overlays, such as Encore and AquaBrowser, are not integrated with the catalogue, but sit on top, like an interface;
3. Next generation catalogue features are not based on large scale of evidence; and
4. Rich content contained in our bibliographic records is still not being used to its greatest potential.

I found Eklund’s presentation well-thought out and enjoyable. She hits on key areas of research that we need to explore and provides a few ideas as to specific concepts we should be examining.

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Filed under Discovery tool platforms, Social catalogue, The Library Catalogue

We’ve implemented a next generation catalogue, now what?

A couple of weeks ago, I asked the question on Twitter: Should next generation catalogues allow user to manipulate data within the catalogue or focus on great sharing and “breaking apart” of data for external use?

I received several responses. Some asked “why can’t they do both”? while another indicated that we should stop asking questions and “…move on. Times a wastin’” [sic] Yet another indicated that the term “catalog” might be the problem, given that the term is steeped in tradition and therefore hard to redefine.

The question was prompted a day after attending my last ALA session, You found it, now what? Extended services in next generation catalogues. Eric Lease Morgan, John Blyberg and Tim Spalding were the panelists for this presentation, attended by an (unfortunately) underwhelming crowd of about 20 (I’m rounding up). The number of attendees was disappointing because it is a valuable topic and an issue we need to address.

The session topic can actually be broken into two questions: What types of features and functions will next generation catalogues provide in the future? and What can we do with next generation catalogues after they’ve been implemented that goes beyond findability and discoverability?

Okay, we’ve implemented these *great* new catalogues and yet, now that they’re in place, we really don’t know what to do with them or where to go from here. While there are a small number of professionals exploring their potential beyond tagging, rating and reviewing, many professionals are accepting that they represent the new catalogue, but are nothing more than another “version” of the catalogue. Similar, in a way, to our first automated library catalogue – it’s a migration from the card catalogue, but it’s still the same ol’ thing.

In the literature that I’ve been reading, there’s talk of moving to next next generation catalogues. While we can all find humour in the amount of “nexts” we’ll use until we think the catalogue has mutated and transformed into something perfect, just when are we going to say enough!

Let’s say, for example, we stick with the name “next generation catalogue” and now, focus on the technology and uses of these new and ever-evolving catalogues. Because they are still relatively new and underdeveloped, we don’t need to move on to new names, such as next generation catalogues 3.0, 4.0 and so on. Let’s stick with one name and figure out what we have in our new catalogues and, not just from a cataloguing and technology perspective, but from a frontline staff (reference, readers’ advisory, programming and so on) perspective.

So, we’ve implemented a next generation catalogue, now what? So many libraries have implemented these catalogues and then…nothing. Staff are trained, a preliminary feedback survey may have been implemented to seek patron and staff opinion and that’s where it ends. However, exploration needs to go beyond this most basic and preliminary stage. How are staff using the catalogue? Has it made the reference department’s tasks easier because of federated searching and the ability to search multiple, additional external data sources (such as websites) all in one search? Are staff promoting the tagging and reviewing features to local book clubs? Are cataloguers looking at tags and their local usage by patrons? Has the library website been added as a data source so that library locations and hours, as well as programming, can be searched from within the catalogue in one search?

I suppose, rather than asking a question about whether a library catalogue should be “this or that”, we should be asking “if” a catalogue can do something, “how” it can do it and “why not try it”. Exploration of next generation catalogues and their true potential has not even begun to the extent that is needed to realize their potential.

While we can talk about adding extra features to the catalogue (which is good!), we also need to talk about existing uses of next generation catalogues and their features to enhance core library services, perhaps significantly altering staff workflow or procedures to create even better services, options and access to patrons – however they want to use our library catalogue – and by whatever name they choose to call it.


Filed under Discovery tool platforms, Social catalogue, The Library Catalogue

ALA 2010: More Session Ideas

Now that some of you have already arrived in DC and others are packing to head off tomorrow or Friday for ALA, I thought I’d list some of the additional sessions that have made it across Twitter, AUTOCAT, RADCAT, and a variety of other venues. So, for those of you who are still trying to figure out your schedules, or haven’t had a chance to look, here are a few more that caught my attention. I’ve listed them by day, to help with organization and planning (or maybe it’s just because I’m a cataloguer!) If I’ve missed any that you think are worth mentioning, please let me know!

Saturday, June 26

The Backroom Powerhouse: Leading Technical Services in Turbulent Times
Hilton Washington, Lincoln Room

How do technical services managers and administrators manage up, out, and across in challenging financial and political times? Given the complexity of the resources and systems we manage, how do we ensure we are communicating effectively with our colleagues in other parts of the library? What is reasonable for being asked to do more with less? With fewer and fewer staff, how do we ensure staff keep their skills flexible for the future? How do we ensure that libraries have a seat at the decision making table with respect to how we do business, whether that be issues regarding funding, compliance with municipal or state regulations, or negotiating large business contracts?

Andrea Kappler, Cataloging Manager, Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library
Emily Bergman, Head of Collections and Technical Services, Occidental College Library
Andrew White, Interim Dean and Director of Libraries, Director, Health Sciences Library, Stonybrook University
Raymond Santiago, Director, Miami-Dade Public Library System

ALCTS : Membership in the Division: What’s in it for me?
WCC 201

Isn’t it Romantic?
WCC 142

Join best-selling romance writers as they discuss their work. Authors include
Madeline Hunter, Beth Harbison, Mary Blayney, Kathryn Caskie, Elizabeth
Hoyt, and Kristan Higgins. The program will be moderated by Barbara Hoffert,
Editor of the Book Review for Library Journal. An author signing will
follow. Some books will be given away and others will be sold at a generous
discount. Author details available at http://www.ala.org/altaff.

ALCTS Catalog Management Interest Group at ALA Annual
Hilton Washington, Fairchild Room

There are two presentations planned for this event:
Integrating Enhanced and NACO Work into Pre-Professional Experiences: A Successful Strategy for All
Using Cataloging for Weeding and Retention

Sevim McCutcheon, Kent State University
Krista E. Clumpner, Northern Michigan University

Readers’ Advisory Research and Trends Forum

The Readers’ Advisory Research and Trends Forum showcases creative
thinking in all areas related to readers’ advisory (RA), including reference,
adult services and collection development. Come join your colleagues in this
interactive conversation and learn from a range of experts exploring the cutting
edge of RA.

Nathan Altice, Virginia Commonwealth University
Tom De Haven; Daniel De Simone, Library of Congress

Sunday, June 27

Designing Digital Experiences for Library Websites

There is a revolution occurring on the Web. New technology tools and techniques
are changing the way users think about and interact with the Websites
they frequent. Businesses that recognize the radical shift in customer
expectations know that “usability” isn’t enough any more; they are increasingly
obsessed with building Websites and applications that deliver great user experiences.
Panelists will explain the concepts behind designing experiences on the
Web, and then answer questions.

John Blyberg, Darien Library, Head, Technology and Digital Initiatives
Toby Greenwalt, Skokie Public Library, Virtual Services Coordinator
David Lee King, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, Digital Branch & Services Manager
Bobbi Newman, Chattahoochee Valley Libraries, Digital Branch Manager

ALCTS CCS Cataloging and Classification Research Interest Group
Hilton Washington, Columbia 2

Featured talks:
The roles and meanings of LCSH: What’s our prospect for the LCSH?
University of Florida Library constituencies and uses of the online catalogue
User tags versus expert-created metadata: a comparison between LibraryThing tags and LCSH

Yeon Kyoung Chung, Ph.D. Dept. of Library and Information Science, College of Social Sciences, South Korea
Hyokyoung Yi, Korean Studies Librarian, East Asia Library, University of Washington
Jimmie Lundgren, Associate Chair & Contributed Cataloging Unit Head Cataloging & Metadata Dept., University of Florida
Caimei Lu, Ph.D. student, Jung-ran, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Xiaohua Hu, Ph.D. Associate Professor, College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University

Authority Control Interest Group: Authorized Genre, Forms and Facets in RDA
Hilton, Lincoln Room

Developments with RDA and Next Generation catalogs impact the use of authorized terms, which in turn must influence the structure of authority terms and records. Presenters will report on developments in several areas.

Janis Young, Policy and Standards Division, Library of Congress
Geraldine Ostrove, Policy and Standards Division, Library of Congress
Jenn Riley, Metadata Librarian with the Digital Library Program at Indiana University-Bloomington

ALCTS Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services
Madison Hotel, Mount Vernon A
The theme for this meeting is: The Changing Role of the Professional Librarian in an Age of Outsourcing

Monday, June 28

ALCTS Head of Cataloging Interest Group: RDA: What Cataloging Managers Need to Know
Crowne Plaza Hotel (Glazier Room)

Presenters with discuss how RDA will impact cataloguing operations.

Christopher Cronin
, Director of Metadata & Cataloging Services, University of Chicago
Shawne Miksa, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Sciences, College of Information, University of North Texas

LITA Next Generation Catalog Interest Group
You’ve found it, now what?! : Extended Services in Next Generation Catalogs

Hilton, Columbia 8

Discovery is not the only problem to be solved. Patrons need other services and tools to use the information they find, such as assisting users with capturing, storing, manipulating, and sharing information. There will be presentations and discussions on a variety of extended applications to the catalog, such as the Social Online Public Access Catalog (SOPAC).

Eric Lease Morgan
John Blyberg
Tim Spalding

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Filed under Conferences, Our Profession

ALA 2010: Next Generation OPACs: Making the Most of Local Holdings Data

As promised, here’s another ALA session that has come across the listservs that looks really interesting.  Here’s the information:

ALCTS Continuing Resources Section Holdings Information Forum
Date and Time: June 26 (Saturday) 4-5:30 p.m.
Location: JW Marriott Hotel — Grand BR IV

Title: Next Generation OPACs: Making the Most of Local Holdings Data

The forum presents new discovery tools designed to
make local holdings easily accessible and understandable on the next
generation OPAC platform. Learn about OCLC’s new WorldCat Local with
choices of content solutions within local library, shared catalog,
consortia, and more. Discover Primo and Primo-Central and their
mechanisms that guide users to items of interest and bring “discovery”
closer to “delivery”. Come explore Google’s OPAC’s efforts making local
holdings visible on Google Scholar’s platform. All global content is
local for someone!


Matt Goldner (Product and Technology Advocate, OCLC)
Abhi Jain (Strategic Partnership Development, Google Inc.)
Oren Beit-Arie (Chief Strategy Officer, ExLibris)

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Filed under Conferences, The Library Catalogue

ALA 2010: ALCTS Program on Sunday, June 27th

Looking ahead to ALA, I know I’m always trying to keep track of all the interesting program announcements made through discussion lists and sent by email. So, in preparation for an exciting ALA annual conference in DC, I thought I’d post the programs that I believe are relevant (or interesting) to cataloguers and RAs on The Cataloguing Librarian. Each post will be tagged with “ALA 2010” so that if you do a search on the main page, all the events will be retrieved.

The first one I’m posting is an ALCTS program that came across RADCAT and AUTOCAT yesterday.

Cataloguing and Beyond : Publishing for the Year of Cataloging Research
Sunday, June 27
8:00 – 10:00 am
Place: WCC-147A

Come hear the experts share research ideas for meeting the challenges of a new decade in cataloging, cataloging standards, and online catalog design. Panel members will reflect on how 2010, the Year of Cataloging Research, can jump start a new era in research in bibliographic control for catalogs, cataloging, and beyond.

Sara Shatford Layne, Principal Cataloger, UCLA Library Cataloging and Metadata Center

Lynn Connaway, Senior Research Scientist, OCLC

Jane Greenberg, Professor and Director, SILS Metadata Research Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Amy Eklund, Catalog Librarian and Instructor, Georgia Perimeter College Libraries

For further information, contact Allyson Carlyle, University of Washington, at acarlyle@uw.edu

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Filed under Conferences, future of cataloguing, The Cataloguer